‘Open Records,’ ‘Art of Free Press’ shirts available

The Iowa Freedom of Information Council, in cooperation with RAYGUN LLC, one of our members, are offering for sale two custom-designed styles of T-shirts.

One style — “Art of the Free Press” — honors Art Cullen, editor of the Storm Lake Times, on the occasion of his winning the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing.

The other style — “Open Records Open Minds” — involves an issue that is near and dear to both the Iowa FOI Council and RAYGUN.

The shirts are $20 each, plus $5 mailing cost for each order.

Proceeds from the shirt sales support the Iowa FOI Council’s work on behalf of government transparency in our state.

The shirts are not available in RAYGUN’s stores in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids or Iowa City. The shirts are only available by mail through the Iowa FOI Council.

To order, send an email to IowaFOICouncil@gmail.com.

Be sure to tell us:

* Which style of shirt you want;
* The number of shirts you want;
* The sizes you want;
* The mailing address to which we should send your shirts.

We trust you. We will mail an invoice with your shirts and you can send a check back to us.

If you have questions, call Executive Director Randy Evans at 515.745.0041.