IowaWatch joins Iowa FOI Council

The Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism, an Iowa City nonprofit organization that operates the investigative journalism website, has joined the Iowa Freedom of Information Council. 

“For 39 years, the Iowa Freedom of Information Council has educated Iowans about their rights under the state’s open-government laws and has advocated on their behalf for open and transparent government,” said Randy Evans, the Iowa FOI Council’s executive director.

“We are pleased to have IowaWatch joining the FOI Council and helping us in this important work.”

The Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that does investigative and public affairs journalism. The center’s work is available free on its website,, and through media partners. The center also trains college students to do this journalism at an ethical, high level.

Lyle Muller, the executive director of the Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism, said the center decided to join the Iowa FOI Council becase both organizations share a goal of shining a spotlight on the actions of government and people who have authority over public policies, trends and events.

“The Council works hard to ensure that government in Iowa operates in the open,” said Muller. “That is so important in a democracy where government serves the public, and should do so transparently.”

The Iowa Freedom of Information Council consists of journalists, librarians, lawyers, educators and other Iowans devoted to government accountability. It educates Iowans about their right to open government, promoting that right in letters to government officials, newspaper columns and appearances at the Iowa Legislature.